How do I know if it’s a CDS or programmatic request?
  • CDS is funding requested for a specific project in a specific location. A Member of Congress specifically directs federal funding to a non-profit or government entity.
  • Programmatic Funding and Language Requests: These types of requests are general funding requests for national and regional programs, and/or bill and report language requests that directs, encourages, or urges an agency or department to carry out an action.
  • There is no set CDS funding range or cap for most accounts, but the average project funding is ~$1.5 million with a range from as low as $50,000 to as high as $40 million. Ultimately, it depends on the project, need, benefit to California/local community, and subcommittee/account.
  • Senator Butler is open to any and all projects that will greatly benefit California and the local community. She is most interested in the lasting impact that a project will have on the community and residents.
  • Yes, organizations should be encouraged to submit their projects to all of their representatives.
  • Senate rules require public disclosure to the Senator’s website for all the projects she requests. Organizations should be encouraged to routinely check her website for the list of requested projects.
  • After the Senator submits her requests, the next step is the Senate Appropriations Committee will release their Fiscal Year 2025 bills when they begin markups (“markups” are when the Senate Appropriations Committee passes their bills out of Committee so it can be voted on by the entire Senate). When the Committee releases their bills, organizations will find out which projects are set to receive funding. HoweHowever, projects won’t receive the actual funding until Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bills are passed by both chambers of Congress and signed into law by the President. This can often be months after the fiscal year begins. Senator Butler’s staff may reach out to organizations for additional information at any point in this process.
  • It depends on the subcommittee and account, but generally speaking organizations should not expect to receive additional CDS funding for the same project. If a project is broken out by different steps, parts, or phases from the outset then it is possible to receive funding for the next phase in a future fiscal year.
  • Yes, organizations are encouraged to apply for funding for a project that was requested but did not receive funding in prior years.
  • No, the amount of funding depends on the Senate and House Appropriations Committees and should not be expected to increase based on the number of members that request the project.
  • It depends on the subcommittee and account, but generally speaking organizations should strive to use their CDS funding in one calendar year.
  • Any projects that are set to be funded – those passed in the Senate and House appropriations bills – will likely be carried through and funded in a final Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bill. However, it depends on a variety of factors, such as when the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bills are passed and if it’s with the current 118th Congress or a new Congress (after January 3, 2025). We hope, but cannot guarantee, that a project will be funded after Senator Butler leaves offices.
  • Yes, organizations can submit requests for multiple projects.
  • The list of projects that Senator Butler selects will be posted on her website. Senator Butler’s staff may reach out for additional information at any point in the process.
  • CDS funding will not be available until a Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations bill is passed. Once the bill is passed, the department or agency – depending on which account your project was funded under – will reach out to the recipient organization to begin the process of receiving funds.


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