Butler, Kamlager-Dove, Kim, Padilla, Castro, Barragán Celebrate the Release of Detained Constituent, Eyvin Hernandez 

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37), who led the bipartisan, bicameral introduction of H. Res. 578 calling for the immediate release of Eyvin Hernandez, was joined by her colleagues Senators Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Laphonza Butler (D-CA), and Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40), Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), and Congresswoman Nanette Barragán (CA-44) in celebrating Eyvin’s release after almost two years of detention in Venezuela.

Eyvin is a dedicated Los Angeles County public defender and a deeply beloved member of the community who is known for his devotion to justice, respect for humanity, and willingness to help others. For almost two years, he was wrongfully detained in Venezuela, and not a day went by that his friends and family didn’t advocate for his release. The State Department and National Security Council have worked tirelessly to secure his freedom.  

“It is a miracle that Eyvin is back with his family and friends at last, and CA-37 is overjoyed to finally have him home,” said Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove. “I have been proud to make his release an important priority for my work on behalf of CA-37 and am so grateful for the tireless advocacy of the Bring Eyvin Home Coalition and the State Department’s shrewd diplomacy in making his freedom a reality. I also want to thank my House and Senate colleagues for their support of my resolution earlier this year, which helped draw much-needed attention and renewed momentum for his case. Words cannot express my joy at having this beloved member of our community here with us again. My office will continue to support Eyvin and his family as he adjusts to life back home.” 

“Eyvin has been wrongfully detained by the Venezuelan regime for more than a year – it’s past time to bring Eyvin home. Thank you to the teams at the State Department Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs and the National Security Council for making this a reality. This is indeed the best Christmas present we can ask for! I stand with his family and community who advocated for his return, and I look forward to learning more about the terms of the agreement,” said Congresswoman Kim. “I have been proud to work with Rep. Kamlager-Dove to demand his release and join Eyvin’s family and friends in celebrating his return home.”

“After 21 months of wrongful detainment at the hands of the Maduro regime, Eyvin Hernandez is finally coming home. A public defender and a beloved member of his community, Eyvin’s absence brought angst and fear to his loved ones for far too long,” said Senator Padilla. “I am proud to have fought relentlessly alongside Eyvin’s family, friends, federal lawmakers, and the State Department’s Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs to secure his release. I am glad to see Eyvin finally released from his unjust imprisonment and headed home to Los Angeles.”  

“I’m delighted to hear that after nearly two years of being wrongfully detained in Venezuela, Eyvin Hernandez will finally be reunited with his family,” said Senator Butler. “A big thank you is owed to his family and friends, as well as my colleagues for the relentless pursuit of Eyvin’s freedom.”  

“Today, Eyvin Hernandez, a beloved public defender who has long been a champion for vulnerable people, will be reunited with his loved ones after more than a year and a half of wrongful detainment,” said Congressman Castro. “Eyvin’s family and friends worked tirelessly to advocate on his behalf, and I am proud to have stood with them, Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove, and my other colleagues in the House and Senate to call for his release. I am also glad to hear that several other Americans have been released along with Venezuelan political prisoners. Every American deserves to travel abroad free from the fear of being wrongfully detained and used as a political pawn, and we must continue to do everything in our power to make sure every unjustly imprisoned American abroad can make their way home.”

“What wonderful news right before the holidays, to hear that Eyvin has been released from his wrongful detention in Venezuela and is on his way home to Los Angeles. This is a great day for Eyvin, his family and friends, and all of those who fought so hard for his release,” said Congresswoman Barragán. “Eyvin should have never had to endure arrest and detention in Venezuela by Maduro’s government agents. I am proud to have helped lead the calls for his release alongside Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, and I am very happy that he will be able to spend the holidays where he belongs – at home with his family and friends. Thank you, President Biden for never forgetting about Eyvin and for your Administration’s hard work to ensure the safe release of our fellow Angeleno.” 

Earlier this year, Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove led the House introduction of a resolution calling for his release to demonstrate that Eyvin was never forgotten by those who love him and to show her support for bringing Eyvin home. Senator Padilla led the introduction of the Senate companion to her bill. 

To read the full text of the bill, click here

To view the one-pager about Eyvin’s case, click here


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