Ahead Of ACA Anniversary, Butler And Senate Democrats Highlight Record Enrollment And Slam Republicans For Continuing To Push ACA Repeal

Washington, D.C. – Ahead of the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) this Saturday, U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.) and Senate Democrats are applauding record-breaking ACA enrollment, highlighting how Democrats have built on the successes of the ACA, and speaking out against Donald Trump threatening to repeal the ACA in a second term. Trump recently vowed that we would “never give up” on repealing the Affordable Care Act, calling the failure to repeal the ACA during his term “a low point for the Republican party,” and he has continued to double down on those comments. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have signaled their openness to repealing the ACA in recent months and Republicans in Congress are fighting to dismantle reproductive care and access to vital preventive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for the American people.


“It is because of the Affordable Care Act that my own mother was able to get the consistent health care coverage she needed,” said Senator Butler (D-CA). “My family is not an anomaly. This landmark legislation has changed the lives of millions of people across our country and shown us how government can be a force for good in people’s lives. While extremist Republicans actively choose to make quality health care coverage harder to come by, Democrats are standing on the side of American people—ready to fight and ready to deliver.”


Right now, more people receive health care coverage under the ACA than ever before. More than 40 million Americans are covered by the ACA’s subsidized marketplaces and Medicaid expansion, and a record-breaking 21.3 million people signed up for ACA marketplace coverage during the latest Open Enrollment season. Congressional Democrats and President Biden have built on the ACA by further lowering premium costs and prescription drug costs through the landmark Inflation Reduction Act. The new law has lowered annual premiums for people who buy their own coverage by an average of $2,400 per family and has saved the average 60-year-old couple with a household income of $75,000 approximately $1,900 in monthly premiums for Marketplace coverage.


Under the Trump Administration, Senate Democrats fought back time and again to block Republican attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The consequences of repealing the ACA would touch nearly every household in the country: in addition to 20 million Americans losing coverage, over 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions would lose critical protections, 49 million seniors would have to pay more for prescription drugs, and insurance companies would not be required to cover preventative care, such as vaccinations, contraception, and cancer screenings, and once again impose annual and lifetime limits on benefits and charge women more. More on what ACA repeal would mean in every state is HERE.


Here’s what Democrats are saying:


“The ACA has helped hundreds of millions of people get coverage—record numbers just this past year. But Republicans still do not get it—or they just don’t care,” said Senator Murray (D-WA). “Because, even now, the leader of the Republican party—Donald Trump—is promising to end the Affordable Care Act, and rip care away from countless patients. This is not my first rodeo when it comes to Republicans hell-bent on destroying families’ health care. I was the top Democrat the Health committee during the Trump years, fighting back as Republicans did everything they could to overturn and undermine the Affordable Care Act. My message to Republicans on this ACA anniversary is simple: don’t test us. Democrats have been here before—we stood firm, we stood with patients and families, and we won.”


“When I started as the Senate Democratic Leader in 2017, everyone said the ACA was all but dead and repeal was inevitable. But with a chorus of millions of voices who spoke loud and clear that affordable, high-quality health care is a fundamental right, the ACA not only survived, but on its 14th anniversary is now stronger and better than ever,” said Leader Schumer (D-NY). “Today, because of the investments Democrats made in the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act, premiums are less expensive than ever before and this past year, a record number of people enrolled in an individual plan on the marketplace. While Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans continue their never ending quest to repeal the ACA, Democrats will keep up the fight to make health care a right for all Americans.”


“Fourteen years ago, I stood alongside President Obama as he signed the ACA into law.  Since then, we have seen record numbers of Americans enroll in affordable, quality health care coverage for themselves and their families.  Unfortunately, congressional Republicans, with Donald Trump leading the charge, have continued their dangerous effort to repeal the law—which would eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions, increase prescription drug prices for seniors, and throw young adults off their parents’ health plans.  We cannot let them succeed,” said Majority Whip Durbin (D-IL). “On the fourteenth anniversary of the bill, I am joining my Democratic colleagues to reaffirm our commitment to protecting the ACA and warning our Republican counterparts that we will not allow them to strip Americans of their health care.”


“Democrats made once-in-a-generation progress to expand access to affordable health care for millions of families under the Affordable Care Act, and we are committed to building on that momentum,” said Senator Wyden (D-OR), Chair of the Senate Finance Committee. “The Senate Republican health care agenda amounts to nothing more than ripping away care and letting everyone else pick up the pieces. Democrats are all in to reject any attempt by Donald Trump and his friends in the Senate to roll back the clock to the days when health care was reserved for the healthy and wealthy.”


“The Affordable Care Act has been a force for good for Wisconsin families—expanding health care coverage, cutting costs for families, protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and—a provision I was proud to author—allowing young people to stay on their parents’ insurance until they are 26,” said Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). “This progress has not come easy. We’ve seen countless efforts to gut the Affordable Care Act and rip care away from Wisconsinites. Let me be clear: not on my watch. We need to build on the progress of the Affordable Care Act and work to lower drug prices, expand access to affordable health care, and ensure Wisconsinites can live healthy lives.”


“The Affordable Care Act continues to remove obstacles to care and improve Americans’ health. Yet even as record numbers of people across the country are enrolling in health insurance plans through open enrollment, Donald Trump and Republicans continue to threaten to repeal this lifesaving law,” said Senator Blumenthal (D-CT). I am proud to fight back against their dangerous efforts with my Senate Democratic colleagues to ensure Americans have the health care coverage they need and deserve.”


“The Affordable Care Act reinforced an American ideal that access to affordable, quality health care is a human right and not a privilege. In the more than a decade since passing one of the most transformative health bills in American history, we now have ample data to show that this was just what the doctor ordered, with a record number of people enrolling in the program last year,” said Senator Cardin (D-MD). “The Affordable Care Act not only reduced costs but also improves patient rights, expands crucial dental coverage and most importantly, save lives. We should be working together to strengthen and expand the Affordable Care Act, which has become a bedrock in American health care.” 


“The ACA has revolutionized health care in our country, making coverage more accessible and affordable for millions of Americans,” said Senator Carper (D-DE). “Because of this legislation, forty states, including my home state of Delaware, have expanded Medicaid coverage and people with pre-existing conditions can rest assured that they won’t be denied access to enrolling in a health plan. Through my role as a senior member on the Senate Finance Committee, I will always fight to ensure that basic health care is protected, especially for the over forty million Americans who are enrolled in a health plan through the ACA.”


“The Affordable Care Act has allowed millions of Americans to finally afford coverage, and as we celebrate the law’s anniversary, we should be thankful its transformative impact on our health care system is here to stay. It’s a shame that Republicans in Congress and President Trump are set on repealing the ACA, even if it would make it harder for countless Americans to pay their medical bills,” said Senator Coons (D-DE). “Thanks to President Biden’s and Democrats’ commitment to lowering health care costs and tackling disparities in our health care system, the ACA has gained unparalleled support. We must protect and build on the gains we’ve made to achieve a fairer future.”


“When the Affordable Care Act became law, millions of Americans gained quality, affordable healthcare coverage—and under President Biden, Democrats have worked hard to strengthen and expand it,” said Duckworth (D-IL). “Despite a record-breaking 21.3 million sign-ups for coverage through the ACA and millions of Americans saving an average of $800 per year on health insurance, Trump and his Republican Party keep trying to repeal the ACA, eliminate these savings and take away this coverage that has been a gamechanger for those who need it most. Democrats won’t let it happen. Under President Biden and Democrats’ leadership, the ACA will always be here to stay.”


“The Affordable Care Act has changed the lives of millions of Americans – including Granite Staters – by getting them access to quality, affordable health care,” said Senator Hassan (D-NH). “Despite efforts by Republican leaders to repeal the Affordable Care Act over the past 14 years, it is clear the American people are better off thanks to it.”


“One of my early votes in Congress was for the Affordable Care Act, to make health care accessible for working families, including the 40,000 New Mexicans benefiting from it this year alone,” said Senator Heinrich (D-NM). “Fourteen years later, I’m still committed to this program and building on its success to lower health care costs, support health care careers that New Mexicans can build their families around, and ensure every New Mexican can access the care they need to stay safe and healthy.”


“Despite Republicans’ multiple failed attempts, the Affordable Care Act is stronger than ever – and saving Americans money,” said Senator Luján (D-NM). “On this 14th anniversary, I’m proud to join Senate Democrats to highlight this legislation’s continued success with over 40 million Americans covered. We’re committed to building on this landmark legislation and will always defend it against Republican attacks.”


“The Affordable Care Act realized the national commitment that health care is a right, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy few,” said Senator Markey (D-MA). “The historic law expanded coverage to 40 million Americans, including of hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts residents of all ages and invested in vital public health prevention programs for our nation’s seniors. While Democrats continue to build on the promises of the law of health care access and affordability through the Inflation Reduction Act, Republicans are trying to take us back into the ages of less coverage and higher costs. Now, more than ever, we must continue the legacy of the Affordable Care Act and affirm our commitment to health care for all.”


“Everyone in Oregon and across our country deserves access to high-quality, affordable health care,” said Senator Merkley (D-OR). The landmark Affordable Care Act was signed into law 14 years ago and has helped connect millions of people with care since. Even though more Americans are covered than ever before, extremist MAGA Republicans are still trying to gut the law that’s been a game-changer for families. The ACA is a lifesaver, and I’ll keep fighting to ensure all Americans can access the care they need.”


“When we passed the Affordable Care Act 14 years ago, we made a commitment to provide every American with affordable, high-quality health care. In Connecticut alone, more than 129,000 people have signed up for coverage and can access health services that they otherwise would not have been able to get. But despite the fact that the enrollment keeps climbing and the ACA is more popular than ever, Donald Trump and Republicans are once again threatening to repeal it and rip healthcare away from millions of Americans. Democrats know the ACA transformed our healthcare system for the better, and we’ll continue fighting to build on its success and make sure every American gets the care they need,” said Senator Murphy (D-CT).


“Fourteen years since the Affordable Care Act became law, the ACA continues to save lives, expand coverage, and have a positive impact in Rhode Island and across the nation. There is no doubt the ACA is working for American families, especially for the roughly 443,900 Rhode Islanders and tens of millions of Americans who have preexisting conditions,” said Senator Reed (D-RI). “As partisan attempts to slash and dismantle the ACA continue, we still have a long way to go to bolster the law and assist millions of Americans who lack health coverage. I will continue working to strengthen the law and build on efforts to keep health costs low and drive down the burdensome costs of critical medications.”


“The Affordable Care Act has been a critical lifeline for Nevadans, ending the days of being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, and expanding access to affordable health coverage for millions” said Senator Rosen (D-NV). “When I came to the U.S. Senate, I promised Nevadans I would push back and block any attempts to repeal this life-saving law. I’ll always stand up to protect the ACA and support the Nevadans who depend on it.”


“14 years after becoming law, the Affordable Care Act remains incredibly popular and continues to set new enrollment records. The reason is simple: Americans want—and need—quality, affordable health care,” said Senator Schatz (D-HI). “While Republicans are intent on going after people’s care and personal freedoms, Democrats are building on the ACA’s success, protecting and expanding access while driving down costs. We’re going to continue fighting for a future where every American, no matter their job or economic status, can get the care they need.”


“In the 14 years since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, thousands of Granite Staters have found coverage on the ACA Marketplace, including a record-breaking 65,000 enrollees this year,” said Senator Shaheen (D-NH). “I’m proud of how far we’ve come, but there’s more work to do to make health care more affordable, such as lowering the cost of insulin to $35 a month for more Americans and continuing to reduce prescription drug costs. Health care is a right, not a privilege—I won’t stop fighting to make sure it’s available and affordable for more families in the Granite State and across the country.”


“Everybody deserves high quality health care, regardless of where you live,” said Senator Smith (D-MN). “The Affordable Care Act was the largest expansion of health care in decades, offering health coverage to millions of Americans. The Republican Party continues to vow to repeal the ACA and strip millions of health coverage. Now, 14 years after the ACA’s passage, I will not stop fighting to prevent that from happening.”


“Through the Affordable Care Act, we’ve transformed health care in this country for the better—helping millions gain affordable health care, cutting costs for seniors, protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, and more. While we have built on the ACA’s success, through Inflation Reduction Act provisions to further lower premiums and prescription drug costs, MAGA Republicans remain hellbent on turning the clock all the way back and repealing the ACA. We will never let that happen—we will keep fighting on behalf of the American people to continue improving the quality of care, lowering costs, and expanding coverage for patients and families,” said Senator Van Hollen (D-MD).


“Fourteen years in, the Affordable Care Act has saved lives, covered millions of Americans for the first time, and kept hard-earned money in Virginians’ pockets,” said Senator Warner (D-VA). “It was a historic victory, and Democrats just keep building on it by passing legislation to lower prescription drug prices and slash premiums. Despite the overwhelming popularity of the ACA, and countless failed attempts to repeal it, far-right Republicans are still tirelessly railing against this life-saving, cost-cutting law. No matter how long they try, we will always fight to lower health care costs, protect and expand coverage, and make sure that every American has access to care without exorbitant cost.”


“For the tens of millions of Americans who have a pre-existing condition or a disability or just can’t afford health care, the Affordable Care Act has meant the difference between life and death,” said Senator Warren (D-MA). “What President Biden has done to strengthen the ACA and cover more Americans than any other President in history is a tremendous achievement, especially in the face of Donald Trump and Republicans, who are relentless in trying to rip away health care protections from millions.”


“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, coverage through HealthSourceRI is more accessible than ever for Rhode Islanders,” said Senator Whitehouse (D-RI). “Through our historic Inflation Reduction Act, Democrats built on the ACA by lowering premiums and seniors’ prescription drug costs.  Now, we must protect both the Affordable Care Act and the Inflation Reduction Act from Republican attacks that would knock people off health insurance and hike costs for seniors.”




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